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Company size of 7 agents
49 deals
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Company size of 10 agents
84 deals
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Company size of 15 agents
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Company size of 12 agents
56 deals
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22 deals
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At Agent Select, we will help you find the top local real estate agent to sell your property anywhere in Australia.

  • 100% free and unbiased service
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  • 1000s of happy customers
Company size of 7 agents
49 deals
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Company size of 10 agents
84 deals
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Company size of 15 agents
31 deals
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Company size of 12 agents
56 deals
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Individual agent
22 deals
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Whether you're selling, buying or refinancing, find out how much your property is worth today. Our free property report provides you with a lot of information including:

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If you're ready to sell we can arrange for a more accurate property appraisal from one of the top local agents in your area.

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Wondering how much would be your agent fees or commissions when selling your property? Don't guess — use our simple calculator to find out how much you will pay in real estate agent fees or commissions when selling your property.

Success Stories

Adam Piacquadio bought his detached old Victorian house in After months of observing the market demand he decided it was time to capitalise on it But he was wary His...
Trudi first attempted to sell their Seville Grove home in when they moved to Tasmania Unhappy with the market at that time they held onto it and converted it into...
In Kate Avis bought an investment property in Boronia Heights Queensland with hopes of securing her financial future An independent Mum of two teenage boys she fell victim to the...

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